
Travel responsibly and sustainably

From action comes creation, from effort rises motivation. Discover Sean Edma, a unique place where art and craftsmanship merge, giving birth to original works that blend materials, shapes, and creativity. We carefully select objects found on the beaches of the Magdalen Islands, shaped by water, wind, and time, each possessing a singular beauty. In our workshop, known as "la Shop," these pieces, rich in history, are assembled to come to life as sculptures or mobiles. At the Shop, we also explore painting and other forms of craftsmanship. Whether you're looking for an artwork to display, a unique gift, a handmade decorative item, or a souvenir from your visit to the islands, we invite you to make an appointment at the Shop to discover these one-of-a-kind pieces.

SeanEdma - Logo


37, road des Huets
Fatima, G4T 2R2
(Quebec, Canada)

Phone : 418 455-4617 Phone : 418 455-4617

Social Media

General information

Island Cap aux Meules Island
We speak Français, English
Payment methods accepted

Dates and opening hours

  • Open year round

    On reservation

x I Care For
Les Îles de la Madeleine