445, road du BassinBassinG4T 0B9 (Quebec, Canada)Phone : 418 937-5408 Full page of the establishment >
This Tourism Operators do not accept online reservation. Please contact this Tourism Operators by phone to complete your order to 418 937-5408.
Tourisme Îles de la Madeleine wants to offer to users of this site a quality service to meet their requirements. However, note that the calendars of the various accommodations are updated directly by the owners. We provide regular follow-up with our members and we invite you to contact us by email in the event that the information you receive by phone from the hosting owners are different from those listed in the schedules of the search engine listings. Note that a period of 48 hours may be required to receive a confirmation by the owner.
You must specify a departing date, an arriving date and the number of travelers to make a reservation request.