Story Ideas

Travel responsibly and sustainably

Let us assist you to discover the Magdalen Islands! On this page you will find out enough to get inspired. If you have special needs, please contact us. We will be happy to built you a itinerary to suit your needs.

Madelinot Portraits

Discover "Les Îles" through various portraits of people who live there.

Madelinots are proud of their origins and, through the years, they have preserved their distinctive way of speaking.

Madelinots are renowned for their warm and generous hospitality. Click on the picture to discover who they are. 


Charles Cormier
Mélanie Poirier
Denis Cormier
Yolande Miousse
Bernard Langford


Catherine Chevrier-Turbide



Visual Arts and Handicrafts Circuit

There is a remarkably large number of creative artists in the Îles de la Madeleine. You'll meet about fifteen artists inspires by the sea's moods and the extraordinary light that tints the landscape and transforms the scene from day to day.

It is generally agreed that the artistic community in the archipelago is growing and that they produce exceptionally creative work, but there is still some difference of opinion on the reasons why this should be so.

Give in to temptation! Revel in the glorious diversity to be found in the galleries, boutiques and workshops. You'll be surprised and delighted with what you find.

Go ahead, open their doors! Many artists will be happy to let you watch them work!

Art Tendance
La Baraque
Banquise du Golfe



Flavours Circuits

On the Îles de la Madeleine, take the opportunity to discover the culinary talents of the Madelinots. The local cuisine is renowned for its excellence, particularly its wonderful seafood dishes.

While you are in the Islands, many of these delicious items will be offered to you: raw milk cheeses, aromatic oils, beer or traditional beverages made from berries.Enjoy them, they are wonderful!

Island restaurants have developed "regional tables" using many of these local foods. And you'll surely feel the fresh salt air in many of their dishes, too!

The Food Trail links the producers and processors who are all driven by one traditional Madelinot goal - the quality and high traceability of everything they make.

Fumoir d'antan
Verger Poméloi


For more information about the circuit and the different itineraries, please feel free to contact me for more information. I will be happy to help you plan your stay with us. We look forward to welcoming you in Les Îles de la Madeleine!

Isabelle Poliquin, Marketing & Communication Agent

418 986-2245 ext. 227



x I Care For
Les Îles de la Madeleine