A meeting with "biquettes"

Travel responsibly and sustainably

The story of a stubborn goatherd with an unconditional love for his "biquettes"  

The sun has barely risen off Île du Havre-Aubert, yet everyone is already hard at work in the goat farm, feeding hay to the animals and activating the rotating milking deck. Pumped on a daily basis, the milk from Charlotte, Princesse, Mambo, Champagne and their girlfriends is already earmarked for the farm's delicious line-up of fresh goat cheeses.

Discover Éric Longpré's goats

Beyond the goat farm lay the red cliffs, rolling hills and sunny beaches that serve as prime playground for the farm's herd of 33 dairy goats. Éric Longpré can rightfully boast that his goats enjoy one of the most majestic views in all of Québec. And the best part is that he gets to welcome you on-site to introduce you to his darling girls, or "biquettes" as he calls them.

While nibbling on the farm's cheeses, you'll be invited to explore a few clever pairings with the archipelago's other iconic products. 

Spurred by the desire to invest in Magdalen Islands's agriculture sector, Éric Longpré initially worked with Barbary ducks before converting to goat farming. Today, his goats monopolize the whole Bassin farm's production. Inquisitive and cuddly, with unique personalities all their own, his "biquettes" will assuredly charm you.

Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air
Fromagerie Pied-de-Vent
Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air
Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air
Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air
Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air
Fromagerie Les biquettes à l'air


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