Parc des Buck

Travel responsibly and sustainably

Parc des Buck

With over 5 km of forest paths, a rich variety of flora and many species of birds, the Parc des Buck (Buck Park) is perfect for walkers. The trails lead to Lake Quinn and some very interesting viewpoints over Cap-aux-Meules and the other islands of the archipelago. There are many interpretation signs for the flora and for the birds.

Sheltered forest trail. Perfect for all seasons.

Birdwatching site
Interested in ornithology? Learn more about birds that can be observed in this area.

Departure /arrival: Parking area at the end of the Chemin de la Mine
Total distance: 5.3 km
Type of trail: Loop
Number of trails: 9
Level of difficulty: Easy to intermediate
Free access

Parc des Buck Map (in French)



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Les Îles de la Madeleine