Travel responsibly and sustainably

2009 Quebec Tourism Awards

Tourisme Iles de la Madeleine is very proud to present today the list of regional prize winners of the Quebec Tourism Awards, edition 2009.  The recipients received their certificates at the prize ceremony on Friday, March 27th at the micro-brasserie À l'abri de la Tempête in Etang-du-nord, after a small get together for dinner and drinks. 


Here is the list of the prize winners for 2009:

Agrotourism and regional products
Microbrasserie À l'abri de la tempête


Ecotrousim and adventure tourism
Vert et Mer, Expédition & Formation 

Lodging / Bed & Breakfast
Gîte La Maison d'Octave 

Lodging / Tourist Homes
Au pied de la Butte Ronde


Restoration / Tourist Development
Restaurant La Table des Roy


Touristic services
Autobus Les Sillons


Sustainable Tourism
Vert et Mer, Expédition & Formation 


On May 15th, these winners from the region will take part in a national competition in Quebec City, for the 24th edition of the Quebec Tourism Awards.


The ambassadors club award, which is given to a company or organism to honour their contribution to the congress and business trip of the islands tourism industry, was awarded to the "Regrouping des Carrefours jeunesse emploi" for their conference held on the Islands from May 27th -29th  2008.


The members of the administration counsel and everyone from Tourisme Iles de la Madeleine would like to congratulate the organizations involved in each category and would like to wish the best of luck to them all at the upcoming national prize gala in Quebec City.


The ATR of the Magdalen Islands is a leader in the matter of regional dialog, welcoming, information, promotion, development and guidance on the islands.  They have been active for more than 25 years in contributing to the boom of our tourist industry and in developing the Islands economy.


The tourist industry has become one of the main aspects of the Island economy.  Tourisme Iles de la Madeleine represents the biggest organisation of its kind with nearly 330 members.  Island tourism generates an annual economic income of almost 50 million dollars and creates more than 1400 jobs every year.

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